Sunday musings

I think I may be in a bit of slump. I have plenty to blog about, but I just don’t sit down and write it. Or maybe it’s the stress of everyday life spilling over into this aspect of my life. Either way, I hope to break out soon.

It’s Banned Books Week, as I’m sure you already know by now. I’m not very organized; I wish I was more on top of this. Still, maybe I’ll read a banned book. I don’t necessarily love all the books that have been banned or challenged (well, I haven’t read them all!), but banning books — this is not freedom.

• In the past few weeks I did some much needed bloggy housekeeping: My sidebar now has a few (the most recently updated) posts from blogs I follow, in a few different categories, Bookish Types, Authors, Publishing, and Fibery Goodness. I didn’t want to make the sidebar scroll too long, but I wanted to include a few of each, and I definitely needed to do something in the way of a blogroll, since I hadn’t actually updated my blogroll since I started my blog (more than 2 years ago). It took some finagling to make it work, but I did it! I also did some other cleanup on the sidebar, but it was mostly minor. How does it look?

• I’ve been reading very little the past week. September has been a great month for me reading wise, but now I’m hardly reading at all. I’m spending quite a bit of time knitting (a shawl, a sock, some tiny things) instead; I’m wondering if this is due to the season changing?

• My yarn storage is still in progress (like so many things), but here’s a couple current photos. Hopefully I’ll make significant progress on this front this week; my husband made shelves to fit inside many of the individual boxes, which will require some reorganization but will also allow for much better organization and — the best part? — allow more yarn to fit in the allotted space and still be findable.

Yarn wall in progress, overview (that's the edge of my reading chair in the foreground)

Yarn wall in progress, overview (that's the edge of my reading chair in the foreground)

Yarn wall in progress, right side

Yarn wall in progress, right side

• Oh! And I’m working on starting a Mystery Reading Challenge with Kylee — not to mention gearing up for Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon (less than a month away now!)

Hope you have a restful Sunday!

7 responses to “Sunday musings

  1. Yeah, I am not very organized about Banned Book Week, either. I am sure I own something that has been challeneged in the past that I could read, but I haven’t given it much thought!

    I hope you get over your slump soon. You might consider taking a blogging break. I find that even a week does wonders for me!

  2. That is a TON of yarn. I am reading Fahrenheit 451 for banned book week.

  3. Your blog looks very tidy. 😀

    I read Lolita (a little early, but I’m counting it!) for Banned Books Week. I’m also ready Dracula. I’m sure someone has objected to it, too, at some point.

  4. You have been busy. I’ve been busy too, and I think I’ve read about 20 pages this weekend.

  5. Thank you for the mention! And let me tell ya, you are not alone in the blogging slump. I agree that perhaps the change of season is partly to blame, as well as some health issues that refuse to be resolved.

    Nothing serious, just frustratingly recurrent.

    Just to let you know, I am making Banned Books Week into a perpetual project. The freedom to read must be expressed, whenever and however a reader can.

    Any time you read a book that has been challenged or banned, please let me know using the form at the bottom of the Banned Books page on my blog. I will happily add a link to your review.

    In this way I hope to clearly display to others those that are proud to express their freedom to read.

    Thanks again,


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