FO Friday: Mittens for me

Word Lily knits

Of course I finally got back to blogging at a time of year when most of my knits aren’t bloggable. Of course.

But this project isn’t secret, hooray!


I finished these mittens, for me, in February.

Pattern: Midlothian Mittens by Laura Chau
My project page
Yarn: the pink is handspun BFL/silk; the cream is Fisherman’s Wool, and the lining is reclaimed cashmere.


They sat, unblocked, for many months. Mainly because I didn’t want to go to the hassle of making forms to block them on. But I recently saw them again, right next to the sock blockers I acquired this year, and a lightbulb turned on. The tops of the sock blockers are just the right shape for these. The thumbs went without a form, but I think it’s OK. I’ll be able to wear them, instead of them sitting and waiting for who knows how much longer!




I maybe should have made them just a tad shorter. I charted and added my initials and the year on the inside of the right wrist, for posterity. I love the idea of signing my knitting.

I don’t even know if I’ll like wearing mittens (I’m a glove person I think), but this will give me the option. And they’re very warm. And soft.

Do you wear mittens? What have you made lately?

8 responses to “FO Friday: Mittens for me

  1. They’re gorgeous and I love that you worked your initials into them!

  2. Oh my! The luxury… BFL, Silk, Cashmere. swoon.

    I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how to sign my weaving, but I love that you signed your knitting. Great idea.

  3. Still need to learn how to knit – love the idea of being able to make your own mittens, hats, and scarves!

  4. Oh! Pretty! I am just learning how to crochet.

What do you think? I'd love to know.