Tag Archives: crochet

A long-awaited headboard

Word Lily knitsMixing home decor and our knitting and/or crocheting. This frequently takes the form of pillows and blankets, right? Maybe every once in a while a curtain, towel, or lamp.

I had this idea last year, while I was thinking of what I wanted to do to our bedroom, for a crocheted headboard.

Bamboo is something I’ve made for years and years now. This was really just a variation on a theme for me.

The headboard itself.

The headboard itself.

The bamboo headboard was more than a year from start to finish, but now it’s done! Done, done, DONE! I finished the crocheting in January, and then it was squarely in the hands of my handy husband. We’d discussed it along the way, and I sized each crocheted tube to fit around a PVC pipe. It’s not like I was working without thought to the installation framework. At some points I wondered if it would ever get finished.

With a bit of context.

With a bit of context.

I used a wide variety of yarn, all from my stash. Thirteen of the 28 bamboo stalks are from reclaimed sweater yarn, mostly cotton ones but not entirely. There are also stalks of silk/bamboo yarn (I thought that was appropriate), wool, wool/mohair, some wool/acrylic blends, and even a bit of novelty yarn. More details on the yarn used are available on my Ravelry project page.

The structure is PVC and a couple 2x4s, essentially. One of the 2x4s has pipe-sized holes drilled all the way through it, and another, maybe 6 inches lower, just has cups the same size for the bamboo pieces to rest in. The two 2x4s are affixed to sidebars, which we put some thin oak? veneer — something prettier than 2×4 — on the outside of. And then the whole thing is bolted to the bedframe.

A peek behind the scenes, as it were. The framework.

A peek behind the scenes, as it were. The framework.

I do not intend the stripey blanket to be used as a bedspread, this is a bit too over the top for me, but you can see it with the new wall color here, too, I guess. And it's too hot for a bedspread in the summer.

I do not intend the stripey blanket to be used as a bedspread, this is a bit too over the top for me, but you can see it with the new wall color here, too, I guess. And it’s too hot for a bedspread in the summer.

Below, you can see it in the greater context of bedroom. The citron nightstand is new, and can you see the spinning wheel lamp on said nightstand? That’s new to me, too. Now if I could only get the surfaces cleaned off …

The wide view.

The wide view.

Are you knitting or crocheting? Sewing? Remaking part of your home? I’d love to hear about it. You can see what others are up to in the fibery world today at Fiber Arts Friday.

In-progress Wramblings

I’m working on a headboard for our bed! It will probably be a couple weeks before it’s finished, but I’m 30+ percent done with the crocheting and I’m excited about it. I think it will be a good place to start for redecorating (or decorating in the first place, actually; we haven’t touched our bedroom since we moved in). I’d been looking for ideas and inspiration for weeks, and I finally found it, so yay! And since the headboard idea came to me, I think I figured out a color palette. It will be bold. No specifics yet, though, just pictures in my head. Edited to add: Yes, I am crocheting a headboard. It will have non-fiber bones and hardware and it will be awesome.

I need to cast on for a plain/simple sock. So, I should go look at my yarn and pick something.

I should also look at my sock yarn for yarn for that shawl I’m going to make. I need to buy beads, but I can’t buy beads until I know what yarn I’m going to use. I wish it was in lace weight, but nope, it’s in fingering. Which will certainly work, but it makes choosing yarn a bit tougher for me.

I also can’t get Leethal’s Adventure Knit-a-long out of my head.

I plied some yarn this week and emptied some bobbins to get ready for Tour de Fleece. I’m getting so excited!

Progress on A’s Christmas stocking has stalled a bit while I’ve been focusing on the headboard, but it’s not abandoned. I’m still liking how it’s looking, so that’s good.

I feel bad that I don’t have photos for this post, but I haven’t taken them, and if I go take them (and upload, and go through them, and edit as needed …) I won’t get anything posted. So I guess I’ll be leaving you in suspense on the actual visuals for now.

Happy Wednesday! What are you working on this week?

Gift knits

Word Lily knitsSince I’m starting to get back in the swing of blogging, I guess I’ll finally tell you about the gifts I knit for Christmas. This was a pretty slow Christmas in terms of handcrafted gifts.

I made Mom a pair of socks. With yummy BFL yarn.
Kind of boring to knit, but very work appropriate to wear. And the nice hand-dyed yarn helped.

I crocheted a pair of legwarmers (and a matching earwarmer [Calorimetry], not pictured) for a sister-in-law, based on her pinning the pattern (and others like it) on Pinterest.

I whipped up a crown and a mask for a young niece.


(Wow, I just realized that of those pictured here, half are crocheted and half are knit. If you count the Calorimetry, the list skews knit, though.)

Happy Fiber Arts Friday / Finished Object Friday / Friday! I’m looking forward to catching up on sharing all I’ve been making and reading soon.

Baby knits, part 3

Word Lily knitsI’ve always loved making baby blankets, so I couldn’t refrain from crafting an abundance of them for my little one.

This one, being wool *and* lace, isn’t the most practical. And now, it’s so hot, that I haven’t gotten it off the shelf yet. Hopefully this fall. Still, it went quickly and I enjoyed knitting it.

Hemlock Ring Blanket

This one I made with cotton yarn, reclaimed from old thrift store sweaters. The photowas taken quite awhile ago, he’s quite a bit bigger than this now. Also, have I mentioned HOT?

Rainbow Mitered Crosses Blanket

This one has a story behind it. I started this blanket when I was about 6-8 years old. It was my first project after Mom taught me how to crochet. I worked on it a lot, and my gauge (and craft overall) improved dramatically over the course of the work. When I found it, still unfinished, in my adulthood, I thought it might be fun to finish it up for my future child/children. I worked on it intermittently for years and finally got it finished just before this little guy was born. I left in the parts made when I was obviously very much a beginner.
Full Circle Baby Blanket
Full Circle Baby Blanket

There’s one more blanket to show, but it’s still not done! I started piecing it together earlier this month, so it should be done by this fall, at least.

Want to see the earlier installments?
part 1 (socks and hats)
part 2 (sweaters)

So, that’s it! Maybe I’ll get back to more regular blogging here soon. But on the baby knits front, I’ve already started one project for him since his birth, and there are several more percolating in my head …

Garland of Hearts

We don’t usually do much to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but I came across this crocheted heart pattern (by Lucy of Attic24, Teeny Tiny Hearts (Ravelry link)) and just knew I had to try stringing them up.

So, I did. On Friday I pulled the Valentines-y colors from the scrap bin and started hooking. Stowing it all away over the weekend so it would remain a surprise for Paul was hard. Then, Monday, I was crocheting in earnest. The hearts whip up quickly, each one took me less than 10 minutes to complete. When I reached 50 — the number I’d estimated I would need to span the chosen space — I stacked them all up, grabbed a ball of neutral yarn and my needles and came upstairs.

I cut a length of yarn, threaded my needle, and started stringing! (Here’s my project page.)

To borrow Lucy’s phrase, ta-da!

Here’s a wide view:

So, what do you think? I thought it added a touch of fun, of whimsy. I thought the variations in the hearts (they’re not all the same size, some of them are actually duo-toned) would be more visible, but that’s OK.

Happy Valentine’s Day! I appreciate you!

Note: I’m probably more behind on telling you about my fiber arts endeavors than I am about my bookish ones, but I’ve finally got another post (or two) almost ready to go, so hooray!

Fiber Arts Friday: Green

Word Lily knits and crochets


Stack of WIPs

green yarn

And more to come!

The Project Spectrum color for June is green. In addition to finishing my Citron (Rav link), I’m hoping to really dive in and make significant progress on this collection of designs.

Those I’ve started, above, aren’t the only patterns I’ve got planned for this collection. 🙂

Happy Friday!

Where are you seeing green today?

Fiber Arts Friday

Also, see the Fiber Arts Friday roundup at Wisdom Begins in Wonder to see what other people are crafting this week.

Fiber Arts FO Friday: Fedora

Fiber Arts FridayI mentioned last week that I needed to work on a hat. Well, I finished it last weekend:

Grey fedora

Crocheted of recycled (100 percent cotton) sweater yarn.

This was my second time following this pattern, and it went a lot faster than the headache-inducing first time. Still, it took *way* longer than most crocheted hats take me.

Once I got that done, I spent most of the week working away on my Motley [project link] [pattern link] — I’m almost half done! I’m quite enjoying seeing how the colors work together. Also: Entrelac is not as scary as some people make it sound.

Have you crafted a finished object this week? Check out the roundup of other people’s finished objects for the week at Tami’s Amis. See also the Fiber Arts Friday roundup at Wisdom Begins in Wonder to see what other people are crafting this week.

Christmas knitting

Word Lily knits

I struck a good balance this year, with a good amount of gift knitting (not too much), and with it spread out over months. No cramming and stress, yay! I’m not sure it’s exactly due to careful planning and moderation on my part, though; it’s most likely serendipity, at least in part. Happily, I think they were all well-received, too.

I knit a hat for my only niece, and fashioned a ceramic button (that I made a couple years ago) into a pin as a fastener and decoration for it. I looked through tons of patterns, but I settled on this one, which I’d seen on another babe this fall.

Pattern: Poppy
Yarn: recycled sweater yarn (wool, rayon, nylon, cashmere, angora)

Last year a certain sister-in-law received a scarf I’d made, and after Christmas she wanted a hat to wear with it. But I was out of the yarn, and I couldn’t find any to buy to barter for, either. When I found a dab of the yarn in my scrap bin, I knew it would work for her hat.

That’s me modeling it, not the recipient.
Hat pattern: Surface braid hat
Yarn: recycled sweater yarn, mostly wool

We went through several ideas for what to get my dad (he’s hard to buy for!), but this fedora is the only thing that ended up working.

Pattern: Fedora
Yarn: recycled cotton sweater yarn

I also made red and green kerchiefs for all the siblings’ pups.

The other [five] knitted or crocheted gifts were all made well ahead of time, without specific recipients exactly in mind. I don’t have decent photos of most of them, either.

Did you give handmade gifts this year?