Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott

Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott was my final trip read.

Chunks of this book were previously published on Salon.

The 2005 book essentially consists of essays, which impersonate chapters. Most of the book was written just before the war in Iraq; the book practically drips (in places) with anger at the Bush administration. Other than national politics, the book centers on Lamott’s life, in her early 40s, and her life with her preteen son, and her ever broadening life of faith.

I read the first one, Traveling Mercies, last year.

Just as I loved the first installment, I devoured this one hungrily.

Another part of this story was released in February 2008, Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith.

5 responses to “Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott

  1. I love Anne Lamott’s nonfiction, so I’m glad you enjoyed the book. Every time I read something she has written I just crack up and then end up crying. It’s a great thing.

  2. I almost bought Traveling Mercies today!

    I think I’m dripping with anger about that same thing. 😛

  3. I’ve loved all her nonfiction that I’ve read, as well.

  4. Lily, I really want to read Traveling Mercies, and this one sounds very good too. I’ve read some articles on Anne Lamott and find her fascinating.

  5. Pingback: Saturday Review of Books: October 4, 2008 at Semicolon

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