BBAW: Appreciating a new discovery

Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2012Hooray, it’s Book Blogger Appreciation Week again! I’m really excited for this, the fifth annual celebration of all things book blogger. I’m thinking it might help renew my personal blogging mojo.

Today’s prompt asks us to share some of the blogs we enjoy and why.

I wanted to tell you all about a long-standing blog I’ve discovered recently and fallen in love with.

Sarah Bessey: The Intersections of a Spirit-Filled Life

Sarah Bessey lives on the west coast of Canada. She isn’t really a book blogger — more of a life and faith blogger if I had to categorize her — but she did recently sign a two-book contract with Howard Books. The first one, due out in 2013, is titled Jesus Feminist: Life on the Other Side of our Church’s Gender Debates. The second is tentatively named Recovering Know-It-All: How a Cynical Follower of Jesus Fell Back in Love with the Church.

She’s also on Twitter, among other places.

Why do I love this blog? Well,
• it reads as authentic,
• vulnerable, and
• True.
• She tackles topics I care about,
• from a perspective I don’t hear that often elsewhere.
• I also love her voice (as much as I know it so far). (I did mention this was a new discovery, yes?)

So if this sounds like a blog you’d enjoy too, I encourage you to head over and check it out in more detail.

16 responses to “BBAW: Appreciating a new discovery

  1. Tahnks Hannah, sounds like a wonderful blog – I am going to check it out!

  2. OOH – I mean thanks… too early, not enough coffee…LOL

  3. Lovely. Tahnks! I think we have a new spelling – wroks or me. ha. (I’ve had TOO MUCH coffee)

  4. I just popped over and what a beautiful blog. I can see why you love it.

    And I’m hoping that BBAW does the same for me–a renewed joy. I always love these community building events and reminding us why we all love each other so much. Smooooooch. 😉

  5. Sounds like a great blog. And I’m excited to have found your blog!

  6. It is good to find some great blogs via BBAW! I am going to check out a few of those!

    Here is my BBAW: Appreciation post.

  7. That one is new to me! I must go check it out.

  8. I really like how you focused on one particular blog and explained why! Never thought to include links to Twitter. Very clever!

  9. This is one of the things I love about BBAW – the way that it leads me to bloggers I might not have otherwise discovered. Whenever a blogger I like and respect as I do you highlights a blog I don’t know about. Thanks for the recommendation.

What do you think? I'd love to know.