Life: An update

I broke my own rules in early April, writing just a small snippet of what’s going on in my life. Well, that situation is ongoing. [It’s been going on for long enough that I nearly couldn’t find that previous post; I was convinced I wrote it in December.]

What is that situation? Well, I don’t want to go into too much detail, but here’s what I said last time to give you some background:

“Our life as we know it will come to a screeching halt in a month or so. It’s not that we didn’t know about this ahead of time; we did, and we’d acted, decided. But then those plans fell through. A number of times, we got to a point where we thought we had things mostly figured out. And then those hinge pins gave way.”

That month I mentioned has passed, yes, but in the meantime for several weeks we thought we had another month’s leeway. Until we didn’t. We tested a few more options, came up empty-handed on several pretty quickly, tried a few more in-depth ideas. Tuesday we learned that the door slammed shut on our one remaining (visible) option.

We’ve been acting, we’ve been waiting. We’ve been seeking.

Now we really don’t know what to do. This morning we’re praying.

Either we need income (and not insubstantial), or we need to sell our house. Preferably both, though. And quick.

If you want more specifics this morning, read my husband’s post, In a pickle.

6 responses to “Life: An update

  1. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I hope everything works out.

  2. Oh, Honey! There’s nothing useful to say; I’m sorry.

  3. I’m so sorry! I can definitely relate to financial issues right now. I will be praying, too.

  4. I pray that things work out for you.

  5. Pingback: Moving « Word Lily

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